Architect Stijn Cools joins SBE21 Heritage

The founder of aNNo architects is SBE21 Heritage third keynote speaker.

Heritage design in the age of sustainism: by means of case-studies, Stijn Cools will guide you through the process of re-imagining heritage as a negotiated and re-negotiated assemblage that provides meaning-making significance for possible sustainable futures.

Stijn Cools studied engineering sciences and architecture at the university of Leuven. He also holds a master in conservation of Monuments and Sites from the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (university of Leuven).

In 2008 he founded aNNo architects (Ghent, Belgium), a design driven architecture office that specifically operates on the border of architecture and heritage preservation. aNNo architects questions the curated distance between architecture and heritage by promoting design research. Since 2017 he is affiliated as visiting professor to department of Architecture of the University of Leuven, thereby curating the renovation design studio at master level.

Cover photo: courtesy of aNNo architects
