Paper 395

A method for status determination and risk assessment of energy measures in historic buildings

Authors: J Arfvidsson (1), B Bjelke-Holtermann (2) and J Mattsson (3)

  1. Building Physics, Lund University, Box 118, 221 00 Lund, Sweden
  2. Tyréns AB, Lund, Sweden
  3. Mycoteam AS, Norway


Implementing energy efficiency measures in historic buildings is a challenging task and require knowledge in a number of different disciplines. The measures to reduce energy use must create a good indoor environment without jeopardizing the loss of important cultural historical values or entailing damages to building materials or load-bearing structures. Building antiquarian-, building biological-and building physical aspects are central, and must be taken into account in the entire process, from planning to implementation of energy update measures in historic buildings. This paper presents a methodology for status determination and risk assessment of energy measures in historic buildings. The method (KuReRA) has been developed in collaboration between curators, building biologists and building physicists.

Keywords: Building Physics, Building Biology, Building Antiquarian, Historic buildings

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