Performance upgrading and re-use of buildings for a low-carbon built heritage

Chair: Daniel Herrera

Co-Chair: Antonello Durante


  • 340 – Drössler, Eckart
    Building culture or can it go away? Renovation pilots can help…
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  • 364 – Aboulnaga, Mohsen
    Sustainability Assessment of restored historic buildings — Case study of Baron Empain Palace in Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt:  Representation analysis of the building and site
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  • 405 – Vite, Clara
    A reactivation project of a district of the historical centre of Genova
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  • 368 - Dalel, Kaoula
    Limitation of the environmental impacts of a heritage hotel building by life cycle analysis (LCA)
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Thu 00:00 - 00:00
Room A, T1 Conservation of heritage & resources