Policies, programs, and regulations for historic buildings and neighbourhoods

Chair: Roger Curtis

Co-chair: Elena Lucchi


  • 371 – Malafry, Melina
    Energy efficiency and cultural heritages value – conflicts and potential solutions
    Read the paper
  • 394 – Femenías, Paula
    How well do policies for energy efficiency and heritage values in the housing stock work? Preliminary results of a study comparing two Swedish municipalities
    Read the paper
  • 426 – Leijonhufvud, Gustaf
    Assessing and enhancing EN 16883:2017
    Read the paper
  • 406 – Marincioni, Valentina
    Towards an integrated moisture-safe retrofit process for traditional buildings in policy and industry
    Read the paper

Thu 00:00 - 00:00
Room B, T2 Framework conditions