Renewable energy integration in historic buildings, areas, and landscapes

Chair: Daniel Mugnier

Co-chair: Franziska Haas


  • 348 - Peluchetti, Alessia
    Criteria for building types selection in preserved areas to pre-assess the BIPV solar potential - The case study of Como land area
    Read the paper
  • 360 - Polo López, Cristina S.
    Swiss case studies examples of solar energy compatible BIPV solutions to energy efficiency revamp of historic heritage buildings
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  • 417 - Durante, Antonello
    Building integrated photovoltaic in heritage contexts award: an overview of best practices in Italy and Switzerland
    Read the paper
  • 361 - Polo López, Cristina S.
    Strategies and tools for potential assessment of Renewables (RES) in Alpine Space areas valid for historic buildings and sites
    Read the paper

Wed 00:00 - 00:00
Room B, T1 Conservation of heritage & resources